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SAMI Fellows and Principals have published a number of books:

  • New Shoots: people making fresh choices in a changing world: a Kindle e-book  by Patricia Lustig and Gill Ringland (October 2021). This book describes the forces for change and what could disrupt them. Learn from people with fresh ideas through interviews and through snapshots of people and communities making fresh choices in a changing world.

  • "A Question of Leadership" by Keith Leslie provides a wide range of illustrative case studies derived from both research and his first-hand experience in the public and private sectors as a former partner at both Deloitte and McKinsey.

  • “Deeper City:  Collective Intelligence and the Pathways from Smart to Wise” Joe Ravetz, June 2020, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.

  • “Megatrends and How to Survive Them”, Patricia Lustig, Gill Ringland, Nov 2018,  ISBN 978-1527516014.

  • “Certificate in Corporate Governance”, Paul Moxey, ICSA Publishing Ltd, Nov. 2018, ISBN 978-1860727252.

  • “Here be Dragons”, Gill Ringland, Patricia Lustig, Rob Phaal, Martin Duckworth and Chris Yapp, Choir Press, 2012, ISBN 978-0-9562190-5-3.

  • “Scenario Planning, 2nd edition”, Gill Ringland, John Wiley, 2006, ISBN 0-470-01881-X.

  • “Beyond Crisis”, Gill Ringland , Oliver Sparrow and Patricia Lustig, John Wiley, 2010, ISBN 978-0-470-68577-8.

Working Papers:  An occasional series of papers, thought pieces, collation of blogs etc.

  • WP2021/11: “COP26 – A review of the four goals”, Jonathan Blanchard Smith.

  • WP2021/10: “To resilience and beyond” – ways of preparing for uncertainty; Huw Williams.

  • WP2021/8 “Global Trends 2040: A more contested world”. Review of  US National Intelligence Center report: Huw Williams.

  • WP 2021/6: “The Global Pandemic and Drivers of Change: How are the fundamentals changing?”, Huw Williams.

Some of our published papers and articles are listed below:

  • “Expect the Unexpected”, an overview of scenario planning by Huw Williams, was published in EDGE, the magazine of Institute of Leadership and Management in May 2021. Contact for a copy.

  • SAMI’s report of a CRSA forum on cyber-security has been published by the Institute of Risk Management as an “Occasional Paper”

  • “Meta-megatrends” is a comparison of megatrends produced by government bodies and consultancies.

  • “Drivers of Change”  We have pulled together a compendium of global Drivers of Change, based on work we have done over the years on drivers and trends. We will continue to update the list in the future. (Current update is September 2018).

  • “More Than Just a Crystal Ball” Gill Ringland, in Finance and Management March 2017 explains how forecasting is incredibly important for finance directors and, when done correctly, is much more beneficial than just approximate prediction.

  • “Britain after Brexit” In a paper published in Quality World in February 2016, Natasha Cowan asks Gill Ringland how you can help guide your organisation through the split with the European Union and why quality professionals are well positioned to help industry take the plunge.

  • The fourth industrial revolution and challenges for government” This paper describing the issues facing government as a result of artificial intelligence and other technological changes was prepared by David Lye, fellow and director of SAMI Consulting, and was published by BRINK, a digital platform which delivers insights on risk and resilience to leaders worldwide.

  • “Scenario Planning – A primer”  This paper describing the whys and hows of Scenario Planning  was prepared by Gill Ringland from a module of an online workbench on Strategic Foresight in 2016.

Recent presentations include:

  • Managing uncertainty – SAMI Associate Garry Honey ran a webinar for CQI Corporate partners on approaches to overcome uncertainty.

  • The strange case of Carillion – Professor Paul Moxey’s presentation to the Quakers and Business Conference. He examines how organisational behaviours may result in disastrous outcomes if caution is not taken and warnings heeded.

  • “Brexit –Exploring the Risks to Business  – Jonathan Blanchard Smith’s presentation to the Institute of Risk Management.

  • Emerging change and possible futures: eliminating blindspots – Dr. Wendy Schultz gave a presentation to local Finance Directors at Grant Thornton in Cardiff .

  • “The Future of Cities”  Gill Ringland was invited by Joe Ravetz to lead a seminar on the future of cities at the newly launched Manchester Urban Institute

Publicly available client reports

  • The Strategic Intelligence Foresight System for the European Commission’s Research and Innovation Directorate. This is a very comprehensive project, delivering an entire system for testing policy against the future. SAMI developed the Strategic Intelligence Foresight Framework – a comprehensive set of 44 scenarios (4 global scenarios and forty scenarios for ten global regions), as part of a collaborative project known as SAFIRE with the Commission and our partners, I|FOK, Cadmus and the Danish Board of Technology.  In the words of the Director General of Research and Innovation, M Jean-Eric Paquet, the project will “support and complement the strategic foresight efforts of all the DGs concerned with the preparation of the 2nd Strategic Plan of Horizon Europe and its future work programmes”.

  • Foresight on new and emerging occupational safety and health risks associated with digitalisation by 2025 (2018)

The final results of EU-OSHA’s foresight project on the increasing digitalisation of work and the associated challenges for occupational safety and health (OSH) are now available in a new report. Artificial intelligence, collaborative robots, virtual and augmented reality, online platforms and other innovations are set to change the ways that people work.

  • Study for the European Commission on Horizon 2020. The aim of this study was to support, through foresight, the implementation of the preparation of the third strategic programme, which covers the period 2018-2020.The scenarios, narratives and drawings developed through the project around the potential causes and impacts of future change provided valuable  insights to inspire research strategies across Horizon 2020.

  • Horizon Scanning project for Defra and partners – “Strategic Evidence of Future Change”

    Defra, together with the Environment Agency, Natural England, Food Standards Agency and the Welsh Government, commissioned SAMI to do a Horizon Scanning project to inform their futures thinking and strategic planning.  The link to the report is above, but there is also a Presentation prepared by SAMI

Presentations and Publications

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