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From time to time, SAMI pulls together its thinking on a range of topics into more substantial Working Papers. Often a collation of blogposts, these Working Papers provide a consolidated perspective on the subject.

  • WP2023/01: Updated Drivers of Change January 2023, Huw Williams

  • WP2021/11: “COP26 – A review of the four goals”, Jonathan Blanchard Smith.

  • WP2021/10: “To resilience and beyond” – ways of preparing for uncertainty; Huw Williams.

  • WP2021/8 “Global Trends 2040: A more contested world”. Review of  US National Intelligence Center report: Huw Williams.

  • WP 2021/6: “The Global Pandemic and Drivers of Change: How are the fundamentals changing?”, Huw Williams.

If you would like a copy of any of our publications, presentations or papers, please contact us at

Working papers

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